David Uwemedimo from WIPO and Helge Rønning from NORCODE conducted the successful opening in the presence of Anne-Lise Langøy from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme covers lectures by international experts on selected subjects, workshops and study visits to the Norwegian CMOs. The participants have also prepared reports on the situation for copyright in their home countries, to be presented in the beginning of the programme, in order to encourage sharing of experiences and discussions on common challenges in countries represented. After the Oslo programme the participants will prepare a thesis on an individually selected subject to be presented during a follow-up session in one of the participants countries in November 2013.
Successful opening of the WIPO-NORCODE Training Programme
June 12, 2013
20 participants from 17 countries gathered in Oslo on June 10 for a two week long training programme under the heading "Exercise and Management of Copyright and Related Rights". The programme is organized by NORCODE in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO.

Participants and organizers gathered in the streets of Oslo. (Photo: Erika Wollner)