The new 10-day long training programme on collective management of copyright and related rights, organized and executed by NORCODE, was kicked off with a formal opening in Dar es Salaam. The goal of the training programme is to strengthen the knowledge and competence for managerial positions in local Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) and governments through realistic work and guidance in their relevant fields of copyright. For this reason the training programme is located on the African continent to further ensure relevance and a practical approach to problem solving with issues the participants will face in their areas of operation. Although the UN considers remuneration for copyrighted works a human right, many countries still do not uphold or enforce it as such, or even consider cultural industries a market with potential. According to the Chief Executive Officer and Copyright Administrator of COSOTA, Doreen Sinare, a positive bi-product of locating the training programme locally will likely be to spread awareness of the different copyright fields and issues related to copyright to the local public. This could in turn help to shed light on the possibilities that comes with a functioning copyright management system and stimulate growth.
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Click here to read the training programme resolution.