The participants of NORCODE and WIPO's Training Programme on Exercise and Management of Copyright and Related Rights are 20 selected representatives from associations, organizations and government agencies, from all regions, but with a majority from Africa and South East Asia. The first two weeks of the programme takes place in Oslo, Norway in May/June, while the second training session is held in one of the participants’ home country approximately five months later.
Programme Objectives
The main objectives of the training are:
- To have an overall picture of all pillars of a well-functioning copyright system: legislation, enforcement and management of rights;
- To have an understanding of the national and international legal framework and its impact on the development of creative industries;
- To discuss the role of contracts between creators/performers and publishers/producers in the copyright and related rights system;
- To discuss how the fight against piracy and management of rights complement each other;
- To focus on collective management of rights both in theory and practice based on experiences internationally, in Norway and in developing countries
Target Countries
Developing countries where collective management of rights currently exists or is in the process of being established are primary target countries.
Target Participants
The programme is primarily tailored for persons in a leading position in a collective management organization (CMO). It is equally well suited for Government representatives who as policy makers wants to enhance knowledge on how the copyright system functions in practice. Good working knowledge of English is a prerequisite for participation.
Programme Structure
The Course consists of five phases. The participants are obliged to participate in all phases of the programme.
Phase 1: Preparation
The first phase consists of writing a Country Report, based on a template, to include an overview of the copyright system and current status of exercise and management of rights. This Country Report will be delivered two weeks before the session in Oslo, where it will be presented.
By way of preparation, the participants are obliged to study a distance learning course called “Introduction to Collective Management” (DL 501: Module 1), offered by the WIPO Academy.
During the preparation phase, the participants also discuss the topic of their Study Report with their supervisors with the aim to have a common understanding of future work that benefits the organization and the country.
Phase 2: Oslo Session
The second phase consists of a two-week training session in Oslo where information will be provided by international and Norwegian experts on all aspects of a well-functioning copyright system. This phase also includes study visits to Norwegian CMOs. Training will include interactive sessions with group discussions, case studies and development of negotiation and communication skills.
Phase 3: Study Report
The third phase will take place in the participants’ home countries where they work on a Study Report tentatively discussed during phase 1. This work will be facilitated by tutoring online, provided by selected resource persons. The participants will write a Study Report to be presented during the fourth phase
Phase 4: Follow-up Meeting
The fourth phase will consist of a one-week training session in a developing country. The Study Reports will be presented during this session. The participants will also have an opportunity to get acquainted with the local copyright and related rights system.
Phase 5: Evaluation
The fifth phase consists of evaluation of the impact of the training course half a year after the session the developing country. The participants will give feedback on how and where their participation at the training program has enhanced their knowledge and how that has been demonstrated in practice in their work.
Programme Themes
The training session in Oslo will focus daily on one or two main themes. The following is a list of themes to be discussed during the session:
- Legislation, enforcement and management as components of a copyright system
- International legal framework and the main treaties administered by WIPO
- Fight against piracy and collective management as complements
- Exercise and management of rights in different creative industries
- International, legal and governance aspects of collective management
- Operational aspects of collective management
- Transparency, accountability and governance of CMOs
- Digital environment: licensing strategies, negotiations and tariffs
- Awareness and education of copyright and related rights
- Practical training on negotiation skills and communication
- Study visits to five Norwegian CMOs
Applications are now closed.
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