The Regional Training Program on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights is organized by the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (NORCODE), and, with the assistance from the following international, non-governmental organizations:
International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO)
The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)
The Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights (SCAPR)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO Academy)
WIPO Academy’s advanced distance learning course on collective management will be an integrated part of the training.
The program is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway, and the University of Agder, Norway.
Time and Place
The onsite training will take place from 4 to 14 November, in Hanoi, VIETNAM.
Substantial work will be undertaken by the participants in their home countries both prior and after the training.
The overall goal of the training will be to provide a broad understanding of:
The role and functions of collective management in different creative industries;
Importance of solid governance structures and sustainability in collective management operations
Importance of sound licensing and distribution systems;
Opportunities and challenges of digital exploitation on rights management.
The training will also concentrate on solutions in emerging topics selected by the partnering organizations.
Target Participants
The program is primarily tailored for persons in a leading position in a collective management organization (CMO). It is equally well suited for persons in a leading position working in an intellectual property/copyright office which has a direct relation to a CMO in their country.
Up to 20 participants will be selected from countries in Asia where collective management of rights currently exists.
Program Structure
Phase 1: Preparation
Distance learning
By way of preparation, the participants are obliged to complete a distance learning course “Advanced Course on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Collective Management Organizations (CMOs)” (DL 503), offered by the WIPO Academy.
Participants are also encouraged to study the “Advanced Course on Copyright and Related Rights” (DL 201), subject to their prior knowledge on the legislative framework of copyright and related rights.
Individual study project
Each participant will select a topic for his/her individual study project. They will submit a one page study outline document, based on a template in conjunction with the application. The participants will develop their studies during the training course and submit a written 8 -12 page long report on their findings six months after the onsite training.
Country report
Prior to the training, each participant will write a country report, based on a template, to include an overview of the copyright system and current status of collective management in their countries. This country report will be delivered two weeks before the training, where the results will be presented.
Phase 2: Onsite Session
The second phase consists of a 10 day onsite training session where information will be provided by local and international experts on all aspects of a well-functioning copyright system. Training will include interactive sessions with group discussions, case studies, simulated exercises and development of negotiation skills
This phase also includes study visits to the copyright organizations of the host country.
Phase 3: Individual Study Projects
The third phase will take place in the participants’ home countries where they work on their individual study project. This work will be facilitated by tutoring online, when and where desired. The participants will write a report on their topic in six months after the onsite session. The report will be discussed and evaluated on an online platform.
Phase 4: Evaluation
The fourth phase consists of evaluation of the impact of the training course one year after the onsite session. The participants will give feedback on how and where their participation at the training program has enhanced their knowledge and how that has been demonstrated in practice in their work.
Participants are obliged to participate in all phases of the program.
Certificate will be issued upon completion.
Click here to download the application form.
Click here to download a .pdf version of the information.